And there is no setting to change that time-limit. The only place where Gmail will auto-delete messages in 30-days is from Trash and Spam. How do I stop Gmail from deleting Trash after 30 days? Select Move to Inbox from the context menu that has appeared.Now open the message you want to unarchive.Tap the hamburger menu item in the Gmail app.To unarchive Gmail messages using the Gmail app for iOS or Android: Gmail also automatically identifies spam and other suspicious emails and sends them to Spam….Unmark an email as spam Choose where you want to move the messages.Check the box next to the messages you want to move.On the left side of the page, scroll and click More.You can create your own trash bin that does something similar, but it’s kind of a pain and doesn’t really do what you want. That includes making the duration shorter or longer. No, there’s no way to change the default Gmail trash behavior. How do I change my trash settings in Gmail?

6 How to recover a message from trash in Gmail?.5 How to Empty Trash in Gmail and delete emails permanently?.4 How do I move sender from spam to inbox?.3 Where is the trash folder located in Gmail?.1 How do I change my trash settings in Gmail?.